Pay attention to the extension of the registration period
Adyghe State University will be hosting the 4th International Academic Conference “Autumn Mathematical Readings in Adygea” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Mathematics and Computer Sciences Department. The conference is scheduled from October 12 to 17, 2021 in Maykop (Republic of Adygea, Russia). The conference will include paper presentation and lectures for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. The lectures will cover modern development of mathematics, physics and computer sciences.
The conference will be held both online and offline. The online part of the conference will be held via ZOOM platform.
Another important part of the conference is roundtable discussions on teaching mathematics in higher education.
Researchers, scholars, undergraduate and graduate students are invited to participate in the conference. Remote participation in the conference is not allowed.

Conference Organizers
Adyghe State University
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)
Caucasus Mathematical Center of Adyghe State University
Conference Languages
Conference Topics
- Combinatorics and discrete geometry;
- Game theory and its applications;
- Theoretical computer science: logic, algorithms, and coding;
- Differential equations, dynamical systems, and control theory;
- Mathematical modeling, numerical and asymptotic methods;
- Modern challenges of teaching mathematics in higher education.
Social Program
Trips to Western Caucasusthe and to the National Museum of the Republic of Adygea will be organized for the conference participants.

About us: Adygea
Adygea, called the «Southern gem» of the Russia, is a land of wondrous contrast yet harmony between the boundless steppe and foothill woodlands, the eternal snow capping the Caucasian peaks, and located not far from the shore washed by warm waves of the Black Sea. The Republic of Adygea (also known as the Adyghe Republic) is a federal subject of Russian Federation (Russia).
Territory of Adygea was a part of historical country Circassia in the North Caucasus, which was located on east coast of the Black Sea. The name Circassia is a Latinisation of Cherkess. At the end of the 15th century a detailed description of Circassia was made by Genoese traveler and ethnographer Giorgo Interiano.
Maikop is capital city of Republic of Adygea. It is located between two bigger cities Krasnodar and Sochi.
Welcome to Adyghea!
Adyghe State University (ASU)
Adyghe State University (ASU) is classical one and a leading academic and scientific centre of the Republic of Adygea. It is also one of the recognized educational centres in the North Caucasus.
The history of ASU comes back to 1940, when the Teachers’ Training Institute was established in Maikop. The University trains more than 14000 students on a wide variety of professional educational programs. The academic and scientific structure of the ASU includes the following ones: 3 Institutes; 11 Departments; several branches of the University in the Republic of Adygea and Krasnodar region; Humanities and Technical Colledge; Professional Training Centre; Republican School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Computer Center «Turbo»; Centre of Intellectual Development of Children; Scientific Centre «Pascal», Preparatory Department.
For many years ASU has gained a great scientific and educational potential. The University numbers about 647 teachers, more than 100 doctors (Dr. Sci.), nearly 400 candidates (Ph.Dr.) of different sciences, 24 academicians of Russian and International Academics. ASU Educational programs have been certified by the European Organization of Quality and RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The University has been entered into the Federal List of «All – Russia Book of Honour».